Ok, I’m just going to get this over with. I already feel like I’m losing some of you…am I losing you? How many of you have an SLR and using this info? Ok, since so many asked about RAW, I will attempt to tackle the subject from my understanding.
*For a printable version of this tutorial click here.
I ♥google. I ♥wikipedia. I use them both a lot. Just now I needed to be reminded how to type a ♥ and they helped me out. I typed in RAW and this is what wikipedia told me:
Raw image files are sometimes called digital negatives, as they fulfill the same role as negatives in film photography: that is, the negative is not directly usable as an image, but has all of the information needed to create an image. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited.
Make sense? I got it before, but that definition really sums it up.
#1 reason I ♥RAW: I tweak the RAW, convert to JPG, but can go back to my RAW’s (think film negative) and change it back to its original. A jpg–once you edit it, there is no going back once it is saved (unless you save as a new file number).
#2 reason I ♥RAW: The ease of using a few sliders to get my desired result quickly.
Ok, I decided to use another image that isn’t as well exposed so you could see a bigger difference.
Below, my red arrow is pointing to my white balance. This is AWESOME! I usually keep my camera setting on shade white balance. I shoot 85% in open shade, so it’s most accurate. Some shoot in Auto White Balance, but I like shade. This feature in RAW, if I happen to be in the sun and my camera is set to shade, I will change the slider to sun in myRAW edit software (photoshop cs3 bridge, ACR).
If I want to go back to my original RAW image, I go to “as shot” and can start all over.
You will get a pop up window that asks where you want the folder of jpg images to go.
I say to save in same location (it will create a folder for you called “jpg”) and then apply my color pop action to all my images. This is GREAT if you have a “go to” action that you apply to every image no matter what.
Then hit “RUN” and it will process each image. Depending on the speed and how full your computer is, it will take 5 minutes to an hour. Also depending on how many images you are processing. It takes mine about 10 minutes to process 100 images. With my workflow, I shoot an average of 250 images per session. I go through my RAW images and assign a star rating (1-5) to my images. All 5’s get processed, the 1’s don’t. That way I am only actually processing half of the images I took. I don’t quite get rid of all the RAW’s though. An overall image may not be great enough to show to clients, but could be useful for a headswap for one later.
Drawbacks? RAW files are HUGE! My 5D can shoot over 500 large jpg images on a 4gb card, but a little over 200 RAW files.
If you are unsure, shoot in RAW+jpg mode and you will get both, but will take up even more space.
There you have it…RAW in all its glory. Any questions? I’m sure I missed something. Have a great day!
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brookie says
You are not loosing us! I read every post you put up, and I am such a nerd I actually take notes. I have learned a ton from the information that you put up. Like weaning myself off auto mode! Keep it coming.
Thanks this is really helpful! I am trying to switch to RAW however i am having problems and hope you can help! When I upload my photos they go straight into iphoto where is lists them as RAW files then I drag them onto my desktop before I open them in photoshop and for some reason they switch to jpegs. Also I dont even know how to get into the RAW program – help please!
I've been hestitant to use RAW because I thought "what's the benefit" – – but the whole editing mulitple pics at once – that's worth trying!! Mandy, http://www.craftedition.blogspot.com
I love your tutorials! They are so helpful. This is stuff that I have always wondered about but never understood. Finally I can try to use my DSLR for something other than a point and shoot camera in auto mode. Thanks so much!!!
I love these posts!!! They are awsome and super informative!!
Thank you! I am loving your tutorials! I haven't tried RAW yet. This helps a lot!
I'm still here! I've read your posts and tagged them and trying to try them, but going slow. But I'm determined to learn. Thanks for all your hard work!
Please, please, please keep posting! I am a beginner, but am dying to learn this stuff. It is intimidating, but you are helping give me the confidence I need to keep at it. Many thanks and bless you!!!
Love the knowledge. I am working with my Canon lately and trying to figure things out for real. This is pretty pathetic because I've had it for over a year. So yes, this is all helping.
This was VERY helpful, thank you. I didn't really understand the benefit of shooting in raw until now. Being able to edit a bunch of pictures at once is fantastic…you may have convinced me to give it a shot!
Keep the posts coming, I appreciate the tips.
Kelsey ([email protected])
I am following your posts! Keep them coming! I second Sharon, I can't even find where/how to pull it up in Bridge?!?! A little more help?
I just stumbled on your posts on photography. I am excited to start experimenting and learning more….going back to the beginning of your posts. I tried to add your button to my blog but it isn't showing the picture of your button but the script when I view it. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this. I am new to blogging and not sure how to fix it. Thanks!
I love your posts! I don't have an SLR yet…but still enjoy reading about photography. I still have used some of your tips with just my point and shoot camera, but of course some don't apply. Many of your posts are book marked so I can refer back to them. :)
I look forward to your posts every week! I LOVE your tips and you explain everything so well! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with a newbie like me!
I recently came across your blog and have loved a lot of the things I have found so far. I have linked to your blog from mine. Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration.
What is the bridge program? Is that something you bought for your pictures?? I have skimmed all the articles, but plan to read in depth soon. I play with my Canon all the time just to see what effects I can get.
Amy [email protected]
Glad I haven't lost some of you! If it were me reading a post with a bunch of screen shots, I might have clicked off the page!
Ok, lets see if I can answer some questions. I did have to change my method of "dumping" images onto my computer when I switched to RAW. The only time I can see my RAW thumbnail is in photoshop, not on my computer tab. That might require screen shots for that–will you email me your questions (Sharon) and it will remind me to do that.
Bridge is a secondary program within the "higher forms" of photoshop. I think it came out with cs2 (which is what I use). It opens up a second window on the computer screen.
Jess, do you have Cs2? When I am in photoshop, I click on an icon in the top middle/right that looks like a folder with magnifying glass. I know there is another way, but can't remember. On my last screen shot of this post, you can see it just to the left of the brushes tab. Email me if you can't find it.
I love these posts! Thank you.
I wish I could shoot RAW but I only have PSE8. I have heard of just getting a raw converter. Do you have any thoughts on that or advice?
Love it! You have such great insight. Thank you!
Thank you soo much for sharing your valuable knowledge with us!
Definitely not losing me. Your way of explaining things is wonderful and very helpful. I had heard of RAW. Knew it was something I would one day explore. But this post definitely is pushing me to do it sooner than later. Thank you!
Love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing all of this awesome information.
once again, another great picture post!!! thanks for all the RAW info! i really appreciate you doing these tutorials! they are super helpful and full of info! =)
I love these posts, not lost here! Thanks for doing these posts.
You can definitely still shoot RAW if you don't have a higher photoshop. There is software out there (and some free) but I haven't used it:)
Thanks this is really helpful!
post free classifieds
I LOVE your posts. I have photoshop ele. 8 and just getting down the basics. I don't have a fancy camera, just a point and shoot kodak, but I love editing to make them even a little better. I refer back to your posts A LOT. The fancy camera stuff goes over my head but I am still reading!!!!
I LOVE your posts! I've learned so much and, if it's possible, made me love my rebel even more. Keep the posts coming, I'm learning SO much!
Your not losing me!! I'm loving all these tips. Some of them are a bit over my young phtography mind but I've been trying out some of your tid-bits such as getting the light or sun in their eyes. I grabbed your button and you should feel special because I am not a button whore. I only grab the ones I really really like and feel like others need to see!
I really enjoy these posts. Thanks for keeping them going!
thanks for sharing so many wonderful things about photography! Keep it coming. I read every post and love it!
Love your posts! You are helping me SOOOO much :)
I love your tutorial and I have learned a ton. Thank you for the time you put in them. Now I have a question how do you get creative color on your pictures? Sometimes I've seen really cool color effects with really vibrant color but I have no clue as how to get those effects or the names of the effects. Would you make a tutorial on different color effects and how to get them please, please, please
Thank you so much! I am loving all the help. Stupid question. How do I view my pictures I shoot in RAW without opening them in photoshop?
Just found your photography post and I think they're wonderful! Very useful and informative :D I have run into a snag with this post here….. I have photoshop CS3. I see the button to open up bridge but it keeps giving me an error. Do I need to do something to the RAW images prior to opening up Bridge? When I try opening up a RAW file it tells me this file is not supported. Also, there are so many RAW settings on my Canon 50D that I'm not sure which one to use?!?!?!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful information!
Wow, this answers so many questions for me! I’m a beginner photographer, but working SO hard on improving my skills.
I have been shooting in RAW for a few days as I am experimenting with exposure.. But I take hundreds of pictures per day. At this rate, I have outgrown my laptop’s memory, my Dropbox, cloud storage and I’ve almost filled up our USB external drive.
Would you be willing to share your ‘process’? What do you do with all these files so that you can find them again and they don’t cost you thousands of dollars in storage?
I’m so excited to have found your site — thank you for such great information!!!