If you need some general guidelines as to how to join in the fun, there are a few “rules” below that if followed can make this a fun experience for everyone involved! Here’s to another great year of photos!
What is exactly is photo-a-day you say?
Every month I share with you some photo prompts or suggestions for each day of the month. You can play along by taking a picture of your interpretation of the prompt (or come up with your own if you don’t like it).
How do I play along?
You can share your photos through any of the social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, your Blog, Flickr, etc.
You can tag me @theidearoom on your social media sites too if you want me to be able to see it! I love to see what my readers are sharing! It makes my day!
Simply add the hashtag #theidearoom so that the rest of us who are playing can follow along and we can all see your photos.
What is a hashtag and how does it work? A hashtag is the pound sign (#) followed by a word of short phrase (without a space) that describes or classifies your tweet or photo on Twitter or Instagram. If you click on a hashtag you will be taken to a list of tweets or pictures all containing the same hashtag.
How can I see other people’s photos?
Once you’ve shared your own photo, and included the hashtag #theidearoom, simply click on the the hashtag. You will be taken to a screen with everyone’s photos who have also added #theidearoom hashtag. Go ahead and comment and like each other’s photos. This way everyone has fun!
What if you forget a day…or 2…or 20?
Not a big deal…really! Just start up again. You can play catch up, or just start again. No one will care…I promise. Heck…I skipped plenty of days when life got too crazy and the prompts are mine!! Share with your friends and family! Have fun. The point is to get you to record your everyday moments. To capture a small snapshot of your day.
But remember…The Idea Room is a family friendly site! Let’s keep it that way people!
Want to play along?
Want to follow The Idea Room on our various Social Media Platforms? You can find me here:
The Idea Room on Twitter @TheIdeaRoom
The Idea Room on Instagram @TheIdeaRoom
The Idea Room on Vine The Idea Room
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